Recall: Iterator Pattern
class List {
struct Node;
Node *theList;
class Iterator {
Node *p;
Iterator(Node *p) p {p} {}
int &operator *() {return p->data;}
bool operator!=(const Iterator &other) const {return p!=other.p;}
Iterator begin(){return Iterator {theList};}
Iterator end(){return Iterator {nullptr};}
List l;
// |-------------| auto
for(List::Iterator it = l.begin(); it != l.end(); ++it) {
cout << *it << endl;
} // O(n)
Shortcut: range-based for heap
for(auto n:l) {
cout << n << endl;
<aside> đź’ˇ Available for any class with
If you want to modify list items (or save copying)
for(auto &n:l) {
<aside> 💡 Encapsulation ct’d
We could - make Iterator’s ctor private
class List {
class Iterator {
Node *p;
Iterator(Node *p);
friend class List;
// List has access to all members of Iterator.
// Node: doesn't matter where in class Iterator you put this
Now List can still create Iterator, but client can only create Iterator by calling begin or end
Give your classes as few friends as possible - weakens encapsulation
Providing access to private fields: accessor/mutator methods
class Vec {
int x, y;
int getX()const {return x;} // accessor
void setY(int x) {y = z;} // mutator
What about operator << - needs x, y but can't be a member
class Vec {
friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &out, const Vec &v);
}; // ↑ non-member f'n
ostream &operator<<(ostream &out, const Vec &v){
return out << v.x << ' ' << v.y;
} // has access to Vec fields
<aside> đź’ˇ Equality Revisited
Suppose we wat to add a length() method to List How should we implement it?
But consider again the spaceship operator <=> in the special case of equality checking
l1 == l2 translates to (l1 <=> l2) == 0
What is the cost of <=> on two lists? O(length of shorter list)
But for equality checking, we missed a shortcut: lists whose lengths are different cannot be equal. In this case, we could answer “not equal” in O(1) time.
class List {
Node *theList;
auto operator<=>(const &other) const {
if(!theList && !other.theList) return std::strong_ordering::equal;
if(!theList) return std::strong_ordering::less;
if(!other.theList) return std::strong_ordering::greater;
return *theList <=> *other.theList;
// asking specifically length are equal
bool operator==(const List &other) const {
if(length != other.length) return false; // O(1)
return (*this <=> other) == 0;
Operator <=> gives automatic impl’s to all 6 relational operators, but if you write operator== separately, the compiler will use that for both == and != instead of <=> Let’s you optimize your equality checking if possible
<aside> đź’ˇ System Modelling
Visualize the structure of the system (abstractions & relationships among them) to aid design, implementation, communication
Popular standard: UML (Unified Modelling Language)
Modelling classes: -pricate, +public
graph TD
Vec --> B("-x:Integer"<br> -y:Integer)
--> C("+getX:Integer"<br>+getY:Integer)
<aside> đź’ˇ Relationship: Composiiton of classes
class Basis {
Vec v1, v2;
Embedding one object(Vec) inside another(Basis) called composition
A Basis is composed of 2 Vecs. They are part of a Basis, and that is the only purpose of these Vecs
Relationships: a Basis “own a” Vec (in fact, it owns 2 of them)
If A “owns a” B, then typically,
eg. A car owns its engine - the engine is part of the car
Implementation: usually as composition of classes
<aside> đź’ˇ Aggregation
Compare car parts in a car (”owns a”) vs. car parts in a catalogue
The catalofue contains the parts, but the parts exist on their own.
“has a” relationship(aggregation)
If A “has a” B then typically,
#ifndef TIER_LIST_H
#define TIER_LIST_H
#include "list.h"
#include <string>
class TierList {
List **tiers;
size_t tierCount;
size_t reserved;
void swap(TierList &other);
void enlarge();
// Default constructor and destructor for a TierList.
// The default constructor should initalize an empty tier list.
// Adds/removes a tier at the end of the tier list.
// Tiers are indexed starting at 0. Runs in time
// at most _linear in the number of tiers_, but _not_ in the number
// of elements.
void push_back_tier();
void pop_back_tier();
// Adds/removes an element at the front of the given tier.
// Must run in constant time.
void push_front_at_tier(size_t tier, const std::string &entry);
void pop_front_at_tier(size_t tier);
// Returns the number of tiers. Runs in constant time.
size_t tierSize() const;
// Returns the number of elements. Can run in time
// up to linear in the number of tiers.
size_t size() const;
struct value_type {
size_t tier;
std::string entry;
class iterator {
friend class TierList;
// Fill in whatever private fields your iterator class needs.
iterator(/* Fill in whatever arguments you need */);
// Returns a value_type instance, containing
// - a) the tier the item that the iterator points to lives at.
// - b) the item the iterator points to
value_type operator*() const;
iterator &operator++();
// New iterator operators which return a iterator pointing to the
// start of the tier bk elements behind/fwd elements later
// of the tier the iterator is currently on.
// If said tier is empty, the iterator moves back/forward to the next
// non-empty tier.
iterator operator<<(int bk) const;
iterator operator>>(int fwd) const;
bool operator!=(const iterator &other) const;
iterator begin() const;
iterator end() const;
Node *theList = nullptr;
iterator(Node *theList);